Incorporating Digital Learning Tools in Conjunction with Air Traffic Control Simulation


Learning and applying complex information at a fast rate can be challenging for students within an air traffic control - training program. Incorporating digital learning tools into an air traffic control training programs may increase student learning and success rates. Swivl is a digital learning capture tool designed to enhance student learning by allowing students to refer back to their individual classroom lab training session videos via an online portal. Embry Riddle’s air traffic program has started using Swivl in two separate ATC courses in order to determine if it is a viable solution to increase learning. During our research, we have come to the conclusion that Swivl is most useful in the air traffic control tower simulator, and has shown to be an effective learning tool thus far from the teacher’s perspective. Additional student feedback and analysis is forthcoming . Swivl has the potential to be an effective tool in ATC training and may enhance learning by allowing students to sharpen skills that are necessary to advance in the field of air traffic control. The air traffic control - training academy (used to train air traffic controllers hired by the federal government) has a high failure rate. Incorporating digital learning tools in that setting may increase success rates as well

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