
Real Space Visualization of Thermomagnetic Irreversibility within Supercooling and Superheating Spinodals in Mn1.85Co0.15SbMn_{1.85}Co_{0.15}Sb using Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy


Phase coexistence across disorder-broadened and magnetic-field-induced first order antiferromagnetic to ferrimagnetic transition in polycrystalline Mn1.85Co0.15SbMn_{1.85}Co_{0.15}Sb has been studied mesoscopically by Scanning Hall Probe Microscope at 120K and up to 5 Tesla magnetic fields. We have observed hysteresis with varying magnetic field and the evolution of coexisting antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic state on mesoscopic length scale. These studies show that the magnetic state of the system at low field depends on the path followed to reach 120 K. The low field magnetic states are mesoscopically different for virgin and second field increasing cycle when 120 K is reached by warming from 5K, but are the same within measurement accuracy when the measuring temperature of 120K is reached from 300K by cooling

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    Last time updated on 02/01/2020