

From the Forward by Warrick L. Carter, Ph.D. Coordinator of Invention and Creativity, College of Cultural Studies, Governors State University Park Forest South, Illinois: Anyone who pursues an artistic life often comes in contact with two types of enthusiastic persons: those whose enthusiasm throws their general knowledgeable judgment somewhat out of gear, and those who can keep their sense of purpose in proportion to their enthusiasm. Gerald Myrow is emphatically of the latter group. Not only is he an extremely knowledgeable and thorough writer, as evidenced by this book, he is also a successful composer, copyist, arranger, and teacher as well as an outstanding trombonist. As a total musician, Gerald has continuously sought more effective, efficient and time-saving methods for composers, copyists, etc. Hence, it is out of this history of concern for music and musicians that the notographic process was developed. Holography is a method of music copying which maintains the positive aspects of previous music manuscripting techniques while adding new, improved and innovative music writing processes. These new techniques have been developed so as to make the music writing process one: 1. which has relevance and applicable skills for all musical persons. 2. whose techniques and skills are easily acquired without loss of quality. 3. which is most practical and versatile. 4. which can be reproduced via a number of printed, copied, xeroxed, etc. means without the exorbitant expenses normally associated with printed music. As Jerry points out, The aesthetics of notographic writing are certainly not meant to be competitive with the work done by artist engravers or copyists. However, the trade off is more than justifiable in terms of convenience, cost and time. Properly notographed music is as easily read as engraved music; performers at all grade levels are able to comprehend it. Therefore, publishers of educational music, in particular, can profit from accepting the notographic concept. Hence, Notography is more than a method of copying music, rather it is a total system of music manuscript preparation whose ease of mastery make it more desirable than any of the other music manuscript techniques. Additionally, the money it saves in the music printing process alone is of such significance that its adoption and use should be demanded by all publishers interested in quality work for substantial savings. Easily understandable, well written and diagrammed, and conveniently organized, Notography is a must for all musical persons (students, teachers, professionals, and publishers).

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