Türkiye’de Hemşehri Dernekleri ve Kırsal Dönüşüm


The aim of this study is to define kinship (hemşehri) associations that are organized in the cities through dense immigration and examine their relationship with rural. The materials in the study consist of kinship assocciations, rural development and secondary data about immigration. Investments of some kinship association in major cities is drawing attention. Informal parties that have problem in establishing connection problem with the city have kept their links to the rural stronger. Therefore, it is observed in most of the kinship associations that they direct their economic and political power to rural areas. As a result, researches regarding the possible roles of existing kinship associations in rural transformation Turkey should be done. Besides, kinship associations should be supported as the role of kinship asscociations in rural areas and the approach of participatory rural transformatio approach show parallellism. At the same time micro policies towards providing effectivenes of kinship associations in rural transformation investments should be established

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