Value of Old Medical Books


Ovim se člankom željelo ukazati na vrijednost starog knjižnog fonda. Vrijednost starih knjiga s područja medicine ne nalazi se zbog davne godine izdavanja već u tome što su one potrebne svima koji se bave proučavanjem povijesti medicine, psihijatrije, razvojem dijagnostike i svime što je vezano uz takva istraživanja. Knjige koje su dio fonda Stručne knjižnice Klinike za psihijatriju Vrapče i koje su kratko opisane nose u sebi znanja koja su nekada bila originalna i nova. Danas, iako su ta znanja zastarjela, ne smije ih se zaboraviti jer ona čine dio medicinske teorije. Briga o starom bibliotečnom fondu ne smatra se samo općom kulturom već je ona i osnovna zadaća svake biblioteke. Stare knjige potrebno je čuvati i doživljavati kao nasljeđe i svjedočanstvo gotovo stočetresetogodišnje povijesti Klinike za psihijatriju Vrapče.The aim of this article is to bring attention to the older books of our library fund. The importance of old medical books does not lie merely in their original date of publishing but in their worth to all those interested in the history of medicine, psychiatry, development of diagnostics and everything related to such research. The old books that are part of the library collection of the Vrapče University Psychiatric Hospital, which will be briefly described, contain knowledge that was new at the time of their original publishing. Today, although the ideas in these books may seem old and dated, we must not forget that much of the knowledge they contain is part of current medical theories. Caring for the book collection of the library is not only a matter of general culture but also one of the basic tasks and duties of any library. Old copies of books and sometimes the library collection as a whole are part of a cultural legacy, because every book tells a story. Old books must be cared for and treated as part of the heritage and testimony of the one-hundred-forty-year-old history of our University Hospital

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