Erythromycin Series. X. Inhibitory Activity of Several New Erythromycin Derivatives in Cell-Free Amino Acid Polymerization Systems


Erythromycin A (I), erythromycin A 9-oxime (11), 9(S)-erythromycylamine (V), and several new derivatives of these compounds, were assayed for their ability to inhibit the poly(A)-directed synthesis of polylysine and the poly(C)-directed synthesis of polyproline in cell-free systems from Escherichia coli. The rate of polypeptide synthesis was inhibited 500/o by concentrations between 0.5 and 1.5 ~tmol · dm-3 of the eight examined compounds, in the following decreasing order of activity: methylsuccinate of V (VI), I, V, II, methylsuccinate of II (111), p-toluenesulfonyl-V (VII), p- acetylamino-benzenesulfonyl-V (VIII), and ethylsuccinate of I (IV). The derivative of VII lacking cladinose (IX) showed lower but still significant activity. Hence, none of the substitutions in the position 9 of the macrolide ring, present in these compounds, impairs the ability of I to bind the prokaryotic ribosome and inhibit its function, which is the basis for antibacterial activity of erythromycines

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