Genre-based automated writing evaluation for L2 research writing: From design to evaluation and enhancement.


Research writing is craftsmanship central to the world of research and academia. It is the main means employed by scientific communities to disseminate and ratify knowledge, ‘inject[ing] light on dusty areas’ of academic enterprises (Barnett, 2005, p. 3). The journal articles, conference papers, grant proposals, theses, and dissertations, which are valued research-related genres, are viewed as major intellectual endeavors that earn their authors credentials and confer them academic status. For novice scholars such as graduate students, who are legitimate but peripheral participants in their scientific communities (Lave & Wenger, 1991), research writing is the first step towards accessing and actively engaging in the discourse of their discipline. The enculturation of these novice scholars in their disciplinary communities is high stakes, since dissemination of their research perceptibly impacts earning an advanced degree, professional growth, and academic recognition.

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