We study the quantum dynamics of fractional excitations in quantum spin ice. We focus on the density of states in the two-monopole sector, rho(omega), as this can be connected to the wave-vector-integrated dynamical structure factor accessible in neutron scattering experiments. We find that rho(omega) exhibits a strikingly characteristic singular and asymmetric structure that provides a useful fingerprint for comparison to experiment. rho(omega) obtained from the exact diagonalization of a finite cluster agrees well with that, from the analytical solution of a hopping problem on a Husimi cactus representing configuration space, but not with the corresponding result on a face-centered cubic lattice, on which the monopoles move in real space. The main difference between the latter two lies in the inclusion of the emergent gauge field degrees of freedom, under which the monopoles are charged. This underlines the importance of treating both sets of degrees of freedom together, and it presents a novel instance of dimensional transmutation