We propose a quantum algorithm for the purification of a generic mixed state
Ď of a n-qudit system by using an ancillary n-qudit system. The
algorithm is optimal in that (i) the number of ancillary qudits cannot be
reduced, (ii) the number of parameters which determine the purification state
âŁÎ¨> exactly equals the number of degrees of freedom of Ď, and (iii)
âŁÎ¨> is easily determined from the density matrix Ď. Moreover, we
introduce a quantum circuit in which the quantum gates are unitary
transformations acting on a 2n-qudit system. These transformations are
determined by parameters that can be tuned to generate, once the ancillary
qudits are disregarded, any given mixed n-qudit state.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, remarks adde