The notions of hypertree width and generalized hypertree width were
introduced by Gottlob, Leone, and Scarcello in order to extend the concept of
hypergraph acyclicity. These notions were further generalized by Grohe and
Marx, who introduced the fractional hypertree width of a hypergraph. All these
width parameters on hypergraphs are useful for extending tractability of many
problems in database theory and artificial intelligence. In this paper, we
study the approximability of (generalized, fractional) hyper treewidth of
sparse hypergraphs where the criterion of sparsity reflects the sparsity of
their incidence graphs. Our first step is to prove that the (generalized,
fractional) hypertree width of a hypergraph H is constant-factor sandwiched by
the treewidth of its incidence graph, when the incidence graph belongs to some
apex-minor-free graph class. This determines the combinatorial borderline above
which the notion of (generalized, fractional) hypertree width becomes
essentially more general than treewidth, justifying that way its functionality
as a hypergraph acyclicity measure. While for more general sparse families of
hypergraphs treewidth of incidence graphs and all hypertree width parameters
may differ arbitrarily, there are sparse families where a constant factor
approximation algorithm is possible. In particular, we give a constant factor
approximation polynomial time algorithm for (generalized, fractional) hypertree
width on hypergraphs whose incidence graphs belong to some H-minor-free graph