
Pardosa fulvipes (Araneae, Lycosidae) new to Slovakia


During the post-colloquium excursion of the 18th European Colloquium of Arachnology in Slovakia in July 1999, I had the opportunity to collect a small material of wolf spiders at the boundary of the Slovak Paradise National Park c. 20 km south of Poprad. Except for two common species [Pardosa palustris (UNNAEUS) and P. pullata (CLERCK)], numerous females of Pardosa fulvipes (COLLETT) were taken. An additional specimen of the latter was captured at Stara Lesna close to the High Tatras National Park. P. fulvipes was not included in the catalogue of spider species recorded from Slovakia (GAJDOS et al. 1999) though it may previously have been overlooked due to misidentification with some other species in the pullata group

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