The relationship between wharton’s duct, the lingual nerve and the hypoglossus nerve


Hirurške intervencije u podviličnom i podjezičnom prostoru zahtevaju dobro poznavanje međusobnih odnosa Vartonovog kanala, jezičnog i hipogloznog živca. U literaturi se može uočiti ili nesklad ili nepreciznost u pogledu od­ nosa između navedenih elemenata. Iz ovih razloga smo za cilj naših istraživanja uzeli da na 40 humanih preparata podviličnih pljuvačnih žlezda sa okolnim strukturama vrata pro­učimo odnos Vartonovog kanala i pratećih živaca. Analizom uzetog materijala došli smo do sledećih rezultata: Na spoljnoj strani hioglosnog mišića posmatrano odozgo na dole nalaze se: n. lingualis, Vartonov kanal, prednji žlezdani produžetak i n. hypoglossus. Na prednjoj ivici hioglosnog mišića odnos se menja, tako da gledano odozgo na dole stoje: Vartonov kanal, n. lingualis, prednji žlezdani produžetak i n. hypoglossus.Surgical interventions in the submandibular and the sublingual region require a thorough knowledge of the relationship between Wharton’s duct, the lingual and the hypoglossus nerve. Between the above named elements certain discrepancies and imprecisions can be observed in the literature concerning their relationship. On these grounds we took it as the goal of our research to study the relationship between Wharton’s duct and the consequent nerves on 40 human specimens of the sub-mandibular salivary gland with their surrounding structures of the neck. Analyzing the taken material, we arrived at the following concusions: On the external side of the hyoglossus muscle we observe going from the top: the lingual nerve, Wharton’s nerve, the anterior processus of the gland and the hypoglossus nerve. On the anterior edge of the hyogiossus muscle the relationship changes so that, looking from the top down, we have: Wharton\u27s duct, the lingual nerve, the anterior processus of the gland and the hypoglossus nerve

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