Citotoksično djelovanje Ca(OH)2 materijala za punjenje korijenskog kanala na vezivno, koštano i mišićno tkivo


Among numerous root canal sealers those on the basis of Ca(OH)2 are used too. The purpose of this study was to examine possible toxic impact of sealers based on Ca(OH)2 (Sealapex, Kerr and Apexit, Vivadent) on the connective tissue, muscle, bone and cartilage, and compared the results with the impact o f sealers based on the polyketonic compound (Diaket, ESPE). In our experiment 52 female mice of the C-57 BLI6 breed were used. 0.5 ccm of the sealer was injected subcutaneously into the tail root of the laboratory animals. This experimental model was elected due to this location all the examined structures were present. The control group was injected Hanks. The test period was 2, 8 and 30 days respectively, and the sealers impact was histologically examined. After eight days period, the most severe inflammation develops in Sealapex-injected group. After 30 days period in Apexit group, the mildest inflammatory reaction was found. The results indicated Apexit to be the mildest irritant and it had not penetrated into the deeper layers of the tissue.Među mnogim materijalima za punjenje korijenskih kanala danas se sve više upotrebljavaju oni na bazi kalcijevog hidroksida. Željeli smo ispitati mogući toksični učinak materijala na bazi kalcijevog hidroksida (Sealapex, Kerr i Apexit, Vivadent) ipoliketona (Diaket ESPE) na vezivno tkivo, mišiće, kosti i hrskavicu. U korijen repa 52 miša C-57 BL/6 inicirano je 0,5 ccm ispitivanog materijala. Kontrolnoj grupi iniciran je Hanks. Životinje su žrtvovane nakon 2, 8 i 30 dana i napravljeni su histološki preparati. Rezultati pokazuju Apeksit kao najblaži iritans od ispitivanih materijala

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