The milk fat triglycerydes composition determination using the gas chromatography


Poznato je da trigliceridi čine 97-98% od ukupnih lipida mlijeka. Na sastav triglicerida mliječne masti, odnosno zastupljenost pojedinih masnih kiselina u njima, pored životinjske vrste utječu i: način uzgoja, ishrana (sastav i plan), laktacija, godišnje doba, klima i stupanj kretanja. Za određivanje trigliceridnog sastava mliječne masti korištena je visoko-temperaturna gasna kromatografija. Ispitan je veći broj uzoraka kravlje i ovčje mliječne masti. Dobijeno je dobro razdvajanje triglicerida prema broju ugljenikovih atoma u acilnom lancu triglicerida. Kvalitetu razdvajanja potvrđuje i činjenica da su razdvojeni i trigliceridi sa neparnim brojem ugljenikovih atoma. Usporedbom plinskih kromatograma sastava triglicerida različitih uzoraka mliječne masti mogu se dobiti podaci o porijeklu, kvaliteti i eventualnom dodatku biljnog ulja ili animalne masti, posebno ako je dodatak iznad 10%.It is known that triglycerides comprise 97-98% of the total milk lipids. Composition of milk fat triglycerides i.e. the percentage of individual fatty acids in them are effected by the species, as well as by the breeding, composition and plan of feeding, lactation, season, climate and agitation. Determinations of triglyceride composition of milk fats have been carried out by high-temperature gas chromatography. Great number of samples of cow and sheep milk fats have been analyzed. Separation of triglycerides proved to he satisfactory according to the number of carbon atoms in acyl chain of triglycerides. The obtained quality of separation is also proved by the fact that even triglycerides with an odd number of carbon atoms have been separated. Comparison of gas chromatograms of the composition of triglycerides from different samples of milk fat can give the data on the origin, quality and possible addition of vegetable oil or animal fat, particularly if the addition exceeds 10%

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