
Predmet članka je veliki kvar u elektroenergetskom sustavu Krete koji je za posljedicu imao veliku štetu na TS Iraklio 3 ( ). Problem je počeo zbog kvara na srednjem naponu u transformatorskoj stanici. Kvar nije uklonjen zbog istodobnog uništenja zaštite i kontrolnih strujnih krugova što je rezultiralo velikim strujama kratkog spoja tijekom 16 minuta, požarima na opremi i velikom štetom na visokom naponu, srednjem naponu kao i uređajima istosmjerne struje u transformatorskoj stanici, uz znatnu redukciju opterećenja. Članak počinje procjenom stanja elektroenergetskog sustava u trenutku nastanka kvara. Potom slijedi opis slijeda događaja tog kvara. Podrobno se opisuju proizašle mjere koje uključuju ponovnu uspostavu normalne opskrbe energijom, djelomičan povratak u pogon kao i konačan dovršetak popravaka na objektu transformatorske stanice. Predstavljena je analiza kvara. Doneseni su zaključci od praktične važnosti kao i preporuke u odnosu na poboljšanja u hardverskom i zaštitnom sustavu i dostupnoj tehničkoj potpori, koje mogu biti presudne za izbjegavanje i/ili ograničavanje štete kod budućih kvarova.A major incident in the Electric Power System (EPS) of Crete resulting in extensive damages in the SS Iraklio 3, is studied. The accident originated from a medium voltage fault at the substation. This fault was not cleared due to the coincident destruction of the protection and control circuits resulting in large short-circuit currents for 16 minutes, fires of materiel and extensive damage in high voltage, medium voltage as well as DC voltage hardware of the substation in addition to significant loss of load. This paper begins with an assessment of the power system condition at the time of the incident. Then the sequence of events for this accident will be described. The ensuing measures that include the restoration of interrupted power supply, the partial return to service as well as the final completion of repairs at the substation facility are detailed. The analysis of the incident is presented. Conclusions of practical importance are drawn as well as recommendations regarding improvements in hardware and protection system and in the available technical support that can be crucial in avoiding and/or limiting damage in future incidents

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