
An innovative technology using stone and granite as exterior sheeting of modern steel and concrete tall buildings is presented, Granites are chosen for the indubitable superior durability in any wheather and polluted atmosfere condition. But to guarantee durability stone sheets have to be mounted in such a way as to avoid any inner irregular stress. In particular stresses from deformation of the main structure must not be trasmitted to the exterior sheeting. Moreover an all-proof wheather barrier has to be incorporated in the factory builded sheeting panel. The innovative technology allowing use of granite and stone in facing of tall buildings is here presented along with two very important realisations: The North Tower in Genoa and the Canary Wharf in London.Prezentirana je inovirana tehnologija korištenja kamena za oblaganje pločama pročelja modernih željeznih i betonskih građevina. Graniti su odabrani zbog nesumnjivo superiorne otpornosti prema traženju i utjecaju onečišćene atmosfere. Ali, otpornost kamenih ploča zagarantirana je ugrađivanjem na takav način da se izbjegnu bilo kakva unutrašnja naprezanja. Naprezanja zbog deformacije strukture objekta ne smiju se prenositi na vanjsku oblogu. Osim toga, otpornost na vremenske promjene treba da je ispitana u tvornici u kojoj se prave paneli od ploča. Inovirana tehnologija uz korištenje granita za oblaganje visokih građevina prezentirana je s dvije značajne realizacije: Sjeverni toranj u Genovi i Kanarsko pristanište u Londonu

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