Marmaray Project - a railway under the sea


Opisuje se Projekt Marmaray kojim se rješava prijelaz željeznice tunelom ispod Instanbulskog tjesnaca. Tim sustavom će se u cijelosti renovirati postojeći sustav prigradske željeznice u Istanbulu i povezati europsko i azijsko kopno. Ispod razine tla bit će 13,4 km pruge. Prikazuju se ciljevi Projekta, a posebno složeni tehnički zahvati koji su predstavljali izazove sa kojima su se suočili graditelji ovog pothvata. Istaknuti su napori za spašavanje i zaštitu povijesnog nasljeđa.The Marmaray Project, in the scope of which the railway tunnel below the Istanbul Strait will be built, is described. Upon completion of this system, the Istanbul\u27s existing suburban railway system will be fully upgraded, and a proper link will be established between Europe and Asia. 13.4 km of railway will be built below the ground level. Project objectives are presented, and highly complex technical problems, presenting a veritable challenge to the builders, are described. A special emphasis is placed on efforts that are being invested in preserving and protecting historic heritage

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