
BPD model originalan je pristup oblikovanju marketinške strategije na tržištu zemalja u tranziciji. BPD model, prateći dosadašnja tržišna iskustva, evoluira na tržištu Republike Hrvatske. Uvjete na svakom tranzicijskom, pa tako i na hrvatskom tržištu, karakterizira rastuća globalna ponuda, dok potražnja nakon eksponencijalnog rasta prelazi u fazu stagnacije. Očita je i tendencija snižavanja cijena usprkos održavanju primjerene kvalitete proizvoda. Recesijski trendovi i izražena konkurencija uvjetuju širenje poslova. Oblikovanje uspješne marketinške strategije podrazumijeva njeno razumijevanje, ali i shvaćanje pretpostavljenih taktičkih pristupa. Važno je da se marketinške strategije kontinuirano prilagođavaju tržišnim zakonitostima i specifičnostima ponašanja ciljanih tržišnih segmenata. Danas modeliranje održive marketinške strategije na tržištu zemlje u tranziciji podrazumijeva usmjeravanje posebne pažnje razlikama nacionalnog tržišta i globalnog tržišta. BPD model oblikovanja marketinške strategije je i pretpostavka uspjehu u složenim uvjetima poslovanja na tržištu zemlje u tranziciji. Uspješna marketinška strategija generira rast primarne potražnje jer podrazumijeva kontinum upravljanja proizvodom ili uslugom na tržištu. U konačnici, važno je razumijeti bottom-up pristup oblikovanju strategije, ali istovremeno uvažavajući prirodu potražnje na tržištu zemalja u tranziciji, i ključne tržišne varijable koje uvjetuju konkretna tržišna promatranja. BPD model je upravo takav operativan pristup.BPD model is an original way of modeling of marketing strategies on the market in transition. BPD’s way is to evolve with evolution up-to-date market in Croatia. Conditions on Croatia’s market are characterizing by growing of global offer while the global demand is stagnating. Prices are lowering although a maintenance of products quality. The recession and the tremendous competitions are conditioning the spreading of doing business as necessaries for everyone on the market. Modeling of one successful marketing strategy means understand the concrete strategy fashion and the appurtenant its basic tactics ways. On such markets companies need to adapt their marketing strategies to some laws and behavior of the specific market’s demand. Today, modeling the sustainable marketing strategy on the market in transition requires special attention to differences between national market and the global market. BPD model of modeling marketing strategies is just a way toward success on the market in transition. On the market in transition companies need to adapt their marketing strategies to some laws and behavior of the specific market’s demand. Modeling the sustainable marketing strategy requires special attention to differences between national market in transition, and the global market. Successful strategy need to be build primary demand by making potential customers aware of the new product and stimulating their willingness and ability to buy. The building of the new one strategy on the market in transition need to accomplish two important tasks retain repeat or replacement business from its existing customers, and continue to capture the major portion of sales to the growing number of new customers entering the market for their first time. It is important to understand the nature of demand on the market in transition, and all its main variables. Our BPD model is just one way

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