Education and Arab Identity Kamal El-Kafrawi: University of Qatar, Doha


Arhitektura u Trećem svijetu nalazi se u procesu izgradnje odnosa između suvremenih potreba te starih i često zaboravljenih tradicijskih oblika gradnje koji su nekoć bili u ravnoteži s načinom života i kulturnim vrijednostima. Jedan od mnogih načina postizanja ovih veza je upotreba tradicijskih ukrasa i zidnih aplikacija ili nastojanje da se uhvati duh velikih povijesnih građevina i taj duh prenese u suvremenu gradnju. Simptomatično je da se te nove tendencije u zgradarstvu usmjerene prema stvaranju kulturnog identiteta primjenjuju pri građenju obrazovnih institucija, često zgrada nacionalnih sveučilišta kao onih u Iraku, Alairu, Libiji, Saudijskoj Arabiji i Jordanu.Architecture in the Third World is in the process of finding ways to relate contemporary necessities to the old and often forgotten patterns of traditional building forms that were once in harmony with the life style and cultural values of the people. Among the numerous ways to achieve these connections are those which use traditional decorative patterns and superficial applications, or those which attempt to catch the inherent spirit of great buildings of the past and re-create them on a contemporary basis. It is symptomatic that among the building tasks in which these new tendencies toward a required cultural identity are manifested are educational institutions, often national university campuses such as those in Iraq, Algeria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan

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