Characteristics of influenza viruses isolated from humans in Croatia


Jedna od tri velike pandemije 20. stoljeća, zapravo najveća epidemija svih vremena tzv. "španjolska gripa" bila je uzrokovana virusom tipa A/H1N1/, a 1918. godine usmrtila je oko 50 milijuna ljudi. Zbog tog i sličnih događaja te pojava pandemija u prošlosti, Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) ustrojila je niz od oko 110 Nacionalnih centara za influencu u različitim zemljama svijeta. U tim okvirima djeluje i Nacionalni centar za influencu Hrvatske. U ovom pregledu prikazane su osnovne karakteristike i obrasci pojavljivanja epidemija te karakteristike izolata virusa izdvojenih u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 1999. do 2005. godine.One of three major pandemics of the 20th century is the greatest epidemics of all times, the so called Spanish flu, caused by the virus of the type A/H1N1/, which in 1918 caused the death of around 50 million people. Because of this and similar past pandemics occurrences WHO has established a whole range of around 110 National influenza centers in different countries of the world. Within this framework the National influenza center for Croatia is also active. In this overview we will compare the basic characteristics and occurrence patterns of these epidemics as well as the characteristics of virus isolates extracted in Croatia in the period from 1999-2005

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