Koncept napredne tehnologije izrade specijalne tehnološke opreme za procesnu industriju


The paper deals with the manufacturing technology of refiner plates that are used for preparing the paper pulp in the paper industry. The manufacturing technology consists of casting, heat treatment, machining and balancing. Special attention is given to the selection of materials used for casting of the refiner plate segments, and to defining the appropriate heat treatment in order to make the tools with optimal technical characteristics. Defining the technological parameters for the process of plain grinding of the refiner plate as well as noting the few negative effects occurring during the grinding process are presented in the paper. The paper also pays attention to the influence of machining technology on the micro-surface of the cutting elements, because it has a significant influence not only on the cutting edge but even on the surface quality and the total consumption of energy in the cutting process.U radu je opisana tehnologija izrade diskastih pločastih noževa koji se koriste za pripremu papirne mase - pulpe u industriji papira i celuloze. Tehnologija izrade sastoji se iz lijevanja, toplinske obrade, strojne obrade i uravnoteženja. Naročita pažnja u ovom radu posvećena je definiranju materijala koji se koristi za lijevanje pločastih noževa i projektiranju odgovarajuće termičke obrade kako bi dobili alate potrebnih tehničkih karakteristika. Definiranje tehnoloških parametara za proces ravnog brušenja pločastih noževa i neke negativne pojave u procesu brušenja također su dati u ovom radu. Rad ukazuje na utjecaj tehnologije obrade na mikropovršinu reznih elemenata, a koja ima bitan utjecaj kako na rezni rub tako na kvalitetu površine i ukupan utrošak električne energije u procesu mljevenja

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