Hygienic quality of goat\u27s milk cheese produced in rural household


Sve veći broj malih uzgajivača koza proizvodi kozji sir koji se prodaje na tržnicama. U ovom smo radu odredili osnovni kemijski sastav i mikrobiološku ispravnost 10 uzoraka kozjih sireva. Sirevi su bili neujednačenog kemijskog sastava. Količina vode iznosila je od 42,20-51,20%, količina mliječne masti u suhoj tvari od 32,85-50,28%, a kiselost od 15,08-39,36ºSH. Normu mikrobiološke ispravnosti zadovoljila su samo 2 pretražena uzorka kozjeg sira (20%). U preostalim uzorcima utvrđena je Escherichia coli (2 uzorka) u broju većem od 102/ g i kvasci i plijesni (u svih 8 uzoraka) u broju većem od 102/ g. Rezultati ukazuju na neprimjerene higijenske uvjete proizvodnje kozjeg sira, a upitni su i higijenski uvjeti držanja koza kao i higijena mužnje.An increasing number of small-scale goat breeders produce goat\u27s milk cheese that is sold on markets. In this study we determined the chemical composition and microbiological quality of goat\u27s milk cheese samples. It has been found that the chemical composition of the samples were not standardised. Water content varied from 42,20 to 51,20 %, milk fat content in dry matter from 32,85 to 50,28%, while acidity varied from 15,08 to 39,36 ºSH. Only two samples (20%) met the microbiological standards. In 2 samples Escherichia coli in the quantities larger than 102/g was found, whereas in all 8 samples yeasts and moulds were found in quantities larger than 102/g. The results of our study have shown that the hygienic conditions of goat\u27s milk cheese production are often inadequate. Also, the hygienic conditions of goat keeping and milking hygiene are questionable

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