The measurement of the charmonium (J/ψ, ψ′) and bottomonium
(Υ, Υ′, Υ′′) resonances and Z0 boson in
nucleus-nucleus collisions provides crucial information on high density QCD
matter. The observation of anomalous suppression of J/ψ at the CERN-SPS
and RHIC is well established but the clarification of some important questions
requires equivalent studies of the Υ family, only possible at LHC
energies. The Z0 boson will be produced for the first time in heavy-ion
collisions at the LHC and, since its dominant production channel is through
qqˉ fusion, it is an excellent probe of the nuclear modification of
quark distribution functions. This paper reports the capabilities of the CMS
detector to study quarkonium and Z0 production in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.5
TeV, through the dimuon decay channel.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure