Modulacijsko djelovanje prehrane maslinovim i kukuruznim uljem na sadržaj minerala u submandibularnoj žlijezdi nakon parcijalne hepatektomije


To estimate the role of the submandibular gland (SMG) in liver regeneration, i) the tissue mineral dynamics in SMG after 1/3 partial hepatectomy (pHx) and ii) the influence of olive (OO) and corn-oil (CO) enriched diets on these events were investigated. Different nutrition of BALB/c mice lasted 3 weeks, and the minerals in SMG were determined by microwave digestion and ICP spectrometry. The diet containing CO initially suppressed liver regeneration (after 24 h) and then, similarly to OO, increased liver growth (on day 7). In mice fed standard food, Zn2+ and Ca2+ accumulated in SMG and the concentration of Mg2+ decreased in the early phase of liver regeneration. These changes were, however, significantly less expressed in mice fed CO and OO enriched diets, suggesting that monounsaturated oleic acid (C18:1n-9) and polyunsaturated linoleic acid (C18:2n-6) might interfere with some metal-dependent activities of SMG that participate in the control of liver regeneration

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