Effect of shading on accumulation of soybean isoflavonoid under maize-soybean strip intercropping systems


Maize-soybean strip intercropping system is an important ecological planting system; the wide development of intercropped soybean has contributed to the soybean industry in China. Soybean growth and seed production were affected by the shading from maize. Previous studies confirmed that relay strip intercropping shading facilitates the accumulation of isoflavone glucosides but does not take advantage of the accumulation of isoflavone aglycone. However, the regulation of isoflavones accumulation under strip intercropping system was unknown; in which soybean and maize were sown at the same time, and soybean was mainly shaded in the reproductive stage. In order to reveal the effects of intercropping shading on the isoflavones accumulation in soybean seed, two independent field experiments were conducted in eastern China. We compared the isoflavones profiles of soybean seeds, which were grown under various maize-soybean intercropping systems with different shade levels. The results showed that the intercropping shading was not benefited to the accumulation of soy-isoflavones, including aglycones and isoflavones glycosides and various forms of isoflavones were decreased with the decline of photosynthetic active radiation. Multivariate statistical analysis and significance analysis showed that acylated isoflavones may be more susceptible to intercropping shading. Abbreviations: HCA: Hierarchical cluster analysis; PAR: photosynthetically active radiation; PCA: Principal component analysis; LC-MS: Liquid chromatography mass spectrometer

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