Antibiotic Consumption Index and Effects of Restricted Antibiotic Use in Dicle University Hospital


The objective consumption rate of antibiotics at our hospital has been measured using “antibiotic consumption index (ACI)” described by World Health Organization. In our hospital, ACI was found 90.7 DDDs/100-Bed Day (BD). In the first level of study, antimicrobial consumption was measured. In the second level, an educational intervention program was started for four of the departments (the study departments). The incidence of hospital infections was monitored during the first and second six-month periods. The index was 128 to 83 in burn unit, 109.8 to 84 in department of nephrology, 102.7 to 90 in thoracic and cardiac surgery (TCS) and 71.5 to 64 in neurosurgery. There was no remarkable change in control departments that 62.7 to 60.7 in gastroenterology and 103 to 106.5 DDDs/100-BD in haematology. Approximately 80.000 dollar were saved from antibiotic budget in the four study departments during the second semester. In the study departments, nosocomial infection rate was found 8.3% in the first semester and 4.9% in the second semester. As a conclusion, educational programs for rational antibiotic consumption and consultations from infectious diseases department are thought to be effective to prevent irrational antibiotic consumption and our new antibiotic policy did not resulted in an increase in nosocomial infection in our hospital

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