Étude des différents publics du théâtre et du cinéma lors de la généralisation du parlant à Lyon (1929-1932)


During the generalization of the talking movies, the relationships between the cinema and theatre evolve. In front of the success of the sound movies, the theatrical world worries. In Lyon, between the seasons 1928-1929 and 1931-1932, the directors of both municipal theatres of the city of Lyon: the Théâtre des Célestins and the Grand-Théâtre denounce a redoubtable competition of the talking movies stealing some of their customers. Nevertheless, the attendance of both theatres remains stable. The audience and their practices are always the same. In this two theatres, different audiences exist. A social hierarchy becomes established reproducing that of the city where every spectator category’s has its own practices and rites. For cinema with talking movies, it also exists different audiences. The apparition of the talking movies did not drive on major turnovers on those audiences. And we also note a segmentation of the public according to the category and to the location of the room. However, it is necessary to recognize that the spectator number increases considerably in this period and the new interest of the press for the talking movies allows to legitimize its role within society. Finally, in Lyon, whether it is in both municipal theatres or for cinemas, we attend, partially, the same movement: presence of several audiences and research for social distinction’s

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