Recent instrumentation projects have allocated resources to develop codes for
simulating astronomical images. Novel physics-based models are essential for
understanding telescope, instrument, and environmental systematics in
observations. A deep understanding of these systematics is especially important
in the context of weak gravitational lensing, galaxy morphology, and other
sensitive measurements. In this work, we present an adaptation of a
physics-based ab initio image simulator: The Photon Simulator (PhoSim). We
modify PhoSim for use with the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) -- the primary
imaging instrument aboard the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This photon
Monte Carlo code replicates the observational catalog, telescope and camera
optics, detector physics, and readout modes/electronics. Importantly,
PhoSim-NIRCam simulates both geometric aberration and diffraction across the
field of view. Full field- and wavelength-dependent point spread functions are
presented. Simulated images of an extragalactic field are presented. Extensive
validation is planned during in-orbit commissioning