
Youth and the communication of Risk: developing connections between cancer council Australia and contemporary online youth culture


Through two focus groups, the project investigated how youth culture perceives online communication of risk. In two 90-minute sessions, investigators gaged the range of online activities that nine 18 - 24 year old university students engaged with. Through a guided discussion the participants explored how they would relate to the communication of health risk more generally and cancer risk more specifically.Participants’ online activity is very high and a range of social media forms are part of their everyday lives. In contrast, their use of traditional media is almost non-existent. Their relationship to accessing and being aware of health information demonstrated a range of views that pointed to quite new and different relationships to health and health professionals. To intersect with their online movements in the communication of health risk demands a sophisticated knowledge of their own searching patterns.Key ideas generated from the focus groups include: that it might be advantageous to group health risk beyond the specificity of cancer for online success; that an online persona would be useful to provide a face for the communication of risk; that a multi-platform campaign to raise the profile of a persona would be useful; and that success means moving between the serious and the light-hearted in a way that makes the persona a complete person of interest for them

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