Relation Active Cadre And Community Participation With Protein Energy Malnutrition Case


Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) is a place to monitor under five’s growth to combat protein energy malnutrition (PEM). Main actor in posyandu is cadre, who has to be active. Active cadre pursue mothers to weigh their under fives which can increase participation. Participation enhancement can increase mother’s knowledge and parenting practice which influence lowering PEM cases. This research aims to know relation between active cadre and community participation with PEM cases. This is an observational research use cross sectional design, which is held in Srandakan Public Health Center (PHC) working area. Independen variable is active cadre, moderating variable is community participation and dependent variable is PEM cases. Product moment Pearson and Rank Spearman correlation test were performend to prove hypothesis. Result show there are 402 active cadres with range 11, community participation is 87.06% and 50 PEM cases are found. There are significant correlations between active cadres and community participation, community participation and PEM cases, but there is no significant correlation between active cadres and PEM cases. It is better for Srandakan PHC to increase supervision and development of community participation and refreshing cadre in order to develop PEM prevention program. Key words: active cadre, participation, PEM

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