Magnetic properties of the HoAu2 surface alloy


Resumen del trabajo presentado a la Reunión conjunta de la sección de materia condensada de la DPG y la División de Materia Condensada de la EPS (Gemeinsame Tagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie der DPG und der Condensed Matter Division der EPS); Berlin 11 al 16 de marzo de 2018.Magnetic properties of single atoms of Holmium deposited on the surface of different single crystalline substrates were a topic of active investigations in last few years. Hybridization of the Ho orbitals with electronic states of the substrate and symmetry of the crystal field were shown to be crucial in defining Ho ground state. In this work we present results of the experimental investigation of the magnetic properties of HoAu2 surface alloy. A crystal field in the position of Ho atoms in this alloy has the same C3v symmetry as in the case of the Ho adsorbed on the hollow sites of (111) surface of the fcc crystal. However, the coordination is higher which results in a well-defined stable stoichiometry. Samples prepared by deposition of Ho on the pre-heated surface of the Au(111) single crystal in the UHV environment were characterized by means of STM, LEED and ARPES. Its magnetic properties were measured in a synchrotron using XMCD spectroscopy and simulated with a help of the multiplet calculations.Peer Reviewe

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