Obtaining characteristic 4F-4F luminiscence from rare earth organic chelates


We report a study of a series of heavy rare earth tris-8-hydroxyquinolines (REQ(3)s), using UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, infrared absorption spectroscopy, and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. We show that the heavy REQ(3)s are all chemically similar to each other and to aluminium tris-8-hydroxyquinoline, at least in terms of the ligand behaviour. Characteristic rare earth 4f-4f luminescence is only observed for ErQ(3) and YbQ(3) due to the relatively low energy of the ligand triplet state. We show that a triplet transfer mechanism cannot be responsible for the observed Yb 4f-4f luminescence observed in YbQ(3). Instead, an internal chemiluminescent process is shown to be energetically favourable. The thin film PL spectra of all the heavy REQ(3)s are dominated by triplet emission, except for that of ErQ(3)s. for which transfer to the Er3+ ion represents an efficient alternative. The PL spectra of powder samples, which would be expected to consist of approximately equal amounts of both isomers, are dominated by singlet emission. This is in contrast to the results from the thin films, and suggests that the isomer which predominates in the thin films has a much higher intersystem crossing rate than the other isomer

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