British educational systems: A comparative overview


U ovome radu smo se posvetili proučavanju britanskog modela obrazovnog sustava kako bi u njemu pronašli različitosti u odnosu na hrvatski obrazovni sustav. Metodom komparacije smo istakli različitosti unutar samog britanskog sustava, koji se sastoji od četiri obrazovna podsustava: engleskog, škotskog, velškog i sjevernoirskog. Nakon što smo uvidjeli nedostatke i prednosti svakog britanskog podsustava, komparirali smo britanski obrazovni sustav kao cjelinu s hrvatskim obrazovnim sustavom. Spoznali smo da se britanski i hrvatski obrazovni sustavi razlikuju u mnogo aspekata. Samo je visoko obrazovanje jednako uređeno zbog primjene Bolonjskog procesa. Najvažnija prednost britanskog obrazovnog sustava naspram hrvatskog je njegova fleksibilnost. U Velikoj Britaniji učenici u nekoliko faza tijekom školovanja imaju priliku promijeniti svoj tijek obrazovanja, dok je u Hrvatskoj taj sustav prilično nefleksibilan, posebice nakon upisa u srednju školu.In this work we have studied the British educational model in order to find differences to the Croatian educational model. With the method of comparison we have underlined the differences within the British system, which consists of four educational subsystems: English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish. After we have seen the flaws and the advantages of each British subsystem, we compared the British educational system as a whole with the Croatian educational system. We realized that the British and the Croatian educational systems differ in many aspects. Higher education is the only area that is similar in both systems, due to the Bologna Process being implemented by both countries. The essential advantage of the British educational system is its flexibility. In Great Britain students have several phases during their education in which they can change the outcome of their further education, while in Croatia the system is really unflexible, especially after enrolling in secondary school

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