Sympathoadrenal system activity of various puberty stages boys


© Medwell Journals, 2016.The catecholamin egestion dynamics analysis and DOFA for teenagers of different sexual maturity level and hormonal and media link becoming of the Sympathoadrenal System (SAS) in the course of boys puberty is carried out. Researches showed that SAS activity for teenagers in the course of puberty changes undulantly. The intensive increase of adrenaline egestion is revealed for boys of 3 puberty stages, the maximal increase of noradrenaline is noted for boys of 4th Puberty Stage (PS) then intensively decreases on 5th PS. Increase in dopamine and DOFA egestion reflect increase of reserve abilities of SAS on 5th puberty stage. Formation of SAS hormonal link for teenage boys happens earlier than that of the medial link: increase of SAS hormonal link activity is noted for boys on 1 -2 PS and decreases on 3-4 PS where activity of SAS medial link is higher. On 5th PS the relative stability of all studied parameters which size during this period comes nearer to definitive level reflecting the relative SAS maturity for boys and particular degree of SAS formation processes completeness within the studied age range takes place

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