Stages of biotechnology commercialization in the system of interaction between financial and innovative industrial structures


Stages of the commercialization of biotechnology in the system of financial cooperation and innovation and industrial structures is currently not sufficiently explored and require careful consideration. The international practice shows that currently the most efficient method of transition from research and development of biotechnologies to bringing them to the ultimate customer is mutually advantageous commercial interaction between all participants. This process is called commercialization of scientific research and development results. All its participants are economically motivated that is they are highly motivated to promptly attain commercial success resulting from use of new technologies. This interaction will allow Russia to compete in the global market and increase the prosperity of the country. However, at the present stage is a not established effective mechanism of cooperation and financial innovation and industrial structures. Stages of the commercialization of biotechnology are not consistent and not developed. Current projects on biotechnology commercialization require substantial financial investment and professional regulation of both the state and the private sector

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