Comparative analysis of impact of crises of 2008 and 2014 on banking capital in Russia


The objective of the article is to determine key factors which affect banking capital on 2014, compare its' influences with 2008 crisis. In 2014 banking sector faced with increased impact of political factors, therefore we will try to reveal conditions and terms of possible stabilization and reaching pre-crisis level of banking capital in Russia. The article comprises the analysis of main macroeconomic factors and their influence on aggregate banking capital. These factors are: USD exchange rate against rouble, EURO exchange rate against rouble, crude oilBrent price, russian Gross Domestic Product at 2008 prices, russian consumer price index. In addition, the article contains information related to the dynamics of stock market. The study revealed that the effects of the crisis of 2014 are more significant for the economy and its recovery will take more time than after the 2008 crisis. This conclusion is confirmed by the results of the SWOT analysis

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