History as a frame of a dialogue within the logic of postmodernity


This work is devoted to historical consideration of postmodern, or consideration of postmodern as the specifically historical phenomena. Claiming that the postmodern can be considered as a specific historical phenomenon, we state: a) certain uniqueness of this phenomenon, existence of special "logic" of postmodern; b) some limitation, situation nature of this logic, and, possibility of a certain bigger historical context. At the same time we also can't do without mentioning special "situation of postmodern". As an example of special postmodern logic (thesis "a") it is possible to name the thought form described by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in work "Capitalism and schizophrenia", most accurately formulated in introduction to the second volume which is called "Rhizome" [10]. Also the logic named by Vladimir Bibler in "Dialogique" [8] and Anatoly Akhutin "Archeo-logics" [6][7] will be an example. (The thesis) the society described in Jean Bodrillara (Baudrillard J.,1983) and Siegmund Bauman's works [2][3][4] can be an example of "a postmodern situation". It is obvious that it is not the same because, according to Derrida, "the same isn't the same". "Situation" of a real is also and theoretical one. We should return to this in-identity forming a gap. The postmodern, in both allocated measurements has, therefore, a) its specifics as a unique event; b) it is built-in and implanted in historical process and can be considered as one of the uniform logical chain links

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