A Feasibility Study into the Generation of Transverse and Longitudinal Vortices in Low Speed Wind Tunnels. Internal Report 9828


Summary: This report details the work carried out during a fundamental study into the generation of transverse and longitudinal vortices in the working sections of wind tunnels. In the initial phases of the project, effort was focused on the generation and measurement of longitudinal vortex pairs to mimic the vortex system produced by the Westland Helicopter's Vane tip. The results from this part of study have already been used in an EPSRC funded study of main rotor blade-vortex interaction (BVI). Attention was then directed towards the development and testing of a transverse vortex generator for studies of tail rotor BVI. The successful demonstration of this generator has resulted in a follow-on EPSRC funded study of helicopter tail rotor BVI in a larger wind tunnel facility

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