Ultrasound Spatial Compound Scanner for Improved Visualization in Vascular Imaging


A new off-line multi-angle ultrasound compound scanner has been built with the aim of improving visualization of vascular tissue. Images are recorded from 3 to 11 insonification angles over a range of 40 to 50 degrees and the individual images are combined (averaged) into a single image (spatial compounding). Compared to conventional B-mode imaging, this multi-angle compound imaging (MACI) method features less angle-dependent images, since more scan lines are nearly perpendicular to the tissue interfaces. Further, the spatial compounding strongly diminishes the speckle pattern. These improvements are illustrated with in vitro images of porcine aorta and human atherosclerotic plaque. 1 . Introduction The presence of atherosclerotic lesions (plaque) in the carotid arteries increases the risk of stroke, but surgical removal of the plaque has proven beneficial in reducing the risk of stroke. [2] However, ultrasonic assessment of size, shape and type of the carotid atherosclerotic lesio..

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