
Integration of Electric Energy Storage into Power Systems with Renewable Energy Resources


This dissertation investigates the distribution and transmission systems reliability and economic impact of energy storage and renewable energy integration. The reliability and economy evaluation framework is presented. Novel operation strategies of energy storage and renewable energy are proposed. The method for optimizing the energy storage sizing and operation strategy in order to achieve optimal reliability and economy level is developed. The objectives of the movement towards the smart grid include making the power systems more reliable and economically efficient. The rapid development of the large scale energy storage technology makes it an excellent candidate in achieving these goals. A novel Model Predictive Control (MPC)-based operation strategy is proposed to optimally manage the charging and discharging operation of energy storage in order to minimize the energy purchasing cost for a distribution system load aggregator in power markets. Different operation strategies of energy storage have different reliability and economic impact on power systems. Simulation results illustrate the importance of the energy storage operation strategies. A hybrid operation strategy which combines the MPC-based operation strategy and the standby backup operation strategy is proposed to flexibly adjust the reliability and economic improvement brought by energy storage. A particle swarm optimization approach is developed to determine the optimal energy storage sizing and operation strategy while maximizing reliability and economic improvement. A reliability and economy assessment framework based on sequential Monte Carlo method integrated with the operation strategies is proposed. The impact on the transmission systems reliability brought by energy storage and renewable energy with the proposed operation strategies is investigated. Case studies are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed operation strategies, optimization approach, and the reliability and economy evaluation framework. Insights into how energy storage and renewable energy affect power system reliability and economy are obtained

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