International audienceThe paper analyzes some financial, tax, information, communication, infrastructural, technological and organizational mechanisms of innovative activity promotion in conditions of transition to a digital economy. End-to-end technologies including "Big Data", "New Production Technologies", "Quantum Technologies", "Technologies of Virtual and Augmented Realities", the possibilities of their application in various sectors of the national economy were singled out and analyzed. The role of end-to-end technologies in the development of the Russian economy and promotion of innovative activities of companies was studied. A comparative analysis of the main indicators of informatization of the society of Russia and some leading foreign countries for the period of 2005-2015 was carried out. The conclusions were made about an insufficient use of the Internet in Russia, primarily in rural areas, which hindered the social progress of Russian society. The leading role of digital (information) technologies in solving social problems, including education, social services and healthcare, was defined. The necessity of development of electronic services in the sphere of education and health was proved. Ways of cluster development based on the example of the Kaluga Region in the development of digital technologies were studied. The influence of development institutions on stimulating innovation activity in Russia was analyzed