Study on rearing movine carps in the ponds of brackish water and freshwater


In this study, mono culture of Cyprinus carpio in fresh water and brackish water with 3500 specimens per hectare with 3 replication each carriedout from midel April to end the October 2010 and mide april to end the October 2011 recptively. Juline fish with 40 gr weight takeup from the sade voshmgir and after prepara tion of rearing ponds were introduced to pond according to appropriate and caluclate stocking density. Juline were fed by concentracted food(GFC). Feeding calculation based on percentage of body weight varied from 5 to 10 % of body weight. In fresh water Average weight and lenghth were in the stage time stocking 40 gr 14.68 cm and at the end of cultuivation period were 704.26 gr and 37.04 cm respectively. Inorder to comparecultivation of Cyprinus carpio in freshwater with breackish water another stocking 350 specimens per hactar with 3 replications also tookplace in this study. Junlin fish with average weight of 40gr and average length of 14.12cm were introduced to the ponds. At the end of rearing period average final weight was 700.26 with average length of 38.86cm.mean daily growth in fresh water treatment was 3.39. in brackish water replication the average daily . average condition factor in fresh water was 2.41. The average value CF in breackishwater was 1.39. in this research was survival rate in the fresh water and breackish water were more 77%

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