A study on the diversity and abundance of ichthyoplankton in coastal waters of the Kharg and Dylam (Persian Gulf)


The present investigation was undertaken to identify fish larva and estimate their abundance, diversity and evenness indices. Twelve stations were sampled monthly during daytime hours by Bongonet in the kharg and khargoo regions of Persian Gulf from January 2005 through December 2006. Forty family of fish larva were identified, Families of Silaginidae, Clupeoidea, Blenidae and Athrinidae consisted of more than 61 percent of all specimen; The abundance of specimen were more during spring through fall months and least during winter. The number and abundance of identified families varied from cruise to cruise and station to station; the average amount of diversity, Species Richness and evenness in investigated region were computed 1.93, 12 and 0.68, respectively. Temperature and salinity of water during this study were between 16-34°C and 35-42 gr/lit. There weren’t any significant correlation between fish larva indices and above factors

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