We have searched for IR emission from the intracluster dust (ICD) in the
galaxy cluster A2029. Weak signals of enhanced extended emission in the cluster
are detected at both 24 and 70 micron. However, the signals are
indistinguishable from the foreground fluctuations. The 24 versus 70 micron
color map does not discriminate the dust emission in the cluster from the
cirrus emission. After excluding the contamination from the point sources, we
obtain upper limits for the extended ICD emission in A2029, 5 x 10^3 Jy/sr at
24 micron and 5 x 10^4 Jy/sr at 70 micron. The upper limits are generally
consistent with the expectation from theoretical calculations and support a
dust deficiency in the cluster compared to the ISM in our galaxy. Our results
suggest that even with the much improved sensitivity of current IR telescopes,
a clear detection of the IR emission from ICD may be difficult due to cirrus
noise.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted by ApJ