For two graph H and G, the Ramsey number r(H, G) is the smallest positive
integer n such that every red-blue edge coloring of the complete graph K_n on n
vertices contains either a red copy of H or a blue copy of G. Motivated by
questions of Erdos and Harary, in this note we study how the Ramsey number
r(K_s, G) depends on the size of the graph G. For s \geq 3, we prove that for
every G with m edges, r(K_s,G) \geq c (m/\log m)^{\frac{s+1}{s+3}} for some
positive constant c depending only on s. This lower bound improves an earlier
result of Erdos, Faudree, Rousseau, and Schelp, and is tight up to a
polylogarithmic factor when s=3. We also study the maximum value of r(K_s,G) as
a function of m