
A climatic record from ^(14)C-dated wood fragments from southwestern Colorado


Deuterium concentration in trees are related to the climatic temperature at which the Trees grew. Deuterium analyses were made on all available (39) ^(14)C-dated (all ^(14)C dates cited are uncorrected) wood fragments collected from Lake Emma sediments. The ^(14)C dates range from 9600 to 5400 "B.P.". Tree line was above Lake Emma at 9600 "B.P.", was at Lake Emma at about 5000 "B.P.", and is 80 m below Lake Emma at the present time. The isotopic records at the various intervals of time coincide very well with this history. The range of δD values is maximum at 9600 "B.P." and is minimum at about 5400 "B.P.". These data allow us to estimate the temperature range for the area between tree line and Lake Emma between these times. These results confirm previously observed cooling trends from several sources in the Western Hemisphere

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