We define and study cyclotomic quotients of affine Hecke algebras of type D.
We establish an isomorphism between (direct sums of blocks of) these cyclotomic
quotients and a generalisation of cyclotomic quiver Hecke algebras which are a
family of Z-graded algebras closely related to algebras introduced by Shan,
Varagnolo and Vasserot. To achieve this, we first complete the study of
cyclotomic quotients of affine Hecke algebras of type B by considering the
situation when a deformation parameter p squares to 1. We then relate the two
generalisations of quiver Hecke algebras showing that the one for type D can be
seen as fixed point subalgebras of their analogues for type B, and we carefully
study how far this relation remains valid for cyclotomic quotients. This allows
us to obtain the desired isomorphism. This isomorphism completes the family of
isomorphisms relating affine Hecke algebras of classical types to
(generalisations of) quiver Hecke algebras, originating in the famous result of
Brundan and Kleshchev for the type A.Comment: 26 page