
Broadcasting on Random Directed Acyclic Graphs


We study a generalization of the well-known model of broadcasting on trees. Consider a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with a unique source vertex XX, and suppose all other vertices have indegree d2d\geq 2. Let the vertices at distance kk from XX be called layer kk. At layer 00, XX is given a random bit. At layer k1k\geq 1, each vertex receives dd bits from its parents in layer k1k-1, which are transmitted along independent binary symmetric channel edges, and combines them using a dd-ary Boolean processing function. The goal is to reconstruct XX with probability of error bounded away from 1/21/2 using the values of all vertices at an arbitrarily deep layer. This question is closely related to models of reliable computation and storage, and information flow in biological networks. In this paper, we analyze randomly constructed DAGs, for which we show that broadcasting is only possible if the noise level is below a certain degree and function dependent critical threshold. For d3d\geq 3, and random DAGs with layer sizes Ω(logk)\Omega(\log k) and majority processing functions, we identify the critical threshold. For d=2d=2, we establish a similar result for NAND processing functions. We also prove a partial converse for odd d3d\geq 3 illustrating that the identified thresholds are impossible to improve by selecting different processing functions if the decoder is restricted to using a single vertex. Finally, for any noise level, we construct explicit DAGs (using expander graphs) with bounded degree and layer sizes Θ(logk)\Theta(\log k) admitting reconstruction. In particular, we show that such DAGs can be generated in deterministic quasi-polynomial time or randomized polylogarithmic time in the depth. These results portray a doubly-exponential advantage for storing a bit in DAGs compared to trees, where d=1d=1 but layer sizes must grow exponentially with depth in order to enable broadcasting.Comment: 33 pages, double column format. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1803.0752

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