
Studies on the Clinical Application of Bismuth Subsalicylate in Treatment of Gastric and Duodenal UlcersReport 3 On the Treatment Conducted for Four Years since 1954 Fukayasu-cho, Fukayasu County, Hiroshima Prefecture


For the past ten years beginning with 1948 we have been using the intramascular injection of bismuth subsalicylate in treatment of 336 cases suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcers. From our experiences we believe that it is most appropriate to start with 0.5 cc of this drug for the initial injection and watching the reaction of patient carefully, to increase the dose by degree until the dose of 1.0 cc is reached. The over-all average time required and the average total dosage used for the entire group were 51.3 days and 6.16 cc respectively. However, looking over the different cases separately, the ones that showed the quickest response to the injection were the cases with duodenal ulcers in that it required on the average 36 days to recover completely and the average dosage of 4.45 cc per person; followed by the cases with ulcers of pars pylorica ventriculi and with ulcers of lesser curvature of stomach in the order mentioned. Moreover, no significant side-effects can be recognized in all the cases treated with this drug during the past ten years

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