Relational Goods and Endurance of Voluntary Associational Participation: The Mapuche Indigenous Case in Santiago de Chile.


In this article, I analyse the reasons for sustaining membership in voluntary ethnic associations of Mapuche people living in Santiago de Chile. By following a relational goods approach, I suggest that the constructed nature of ethnicity leads the Mapuche to create and join ethnic associations in an urban milieu. This study reveals that the main motivations for sustaining an active associational engagement in Santiago are based on three accounts: identity recovery struggle, leaving an identity legacy and bonding with their ethnic peers; all of these identified as relational goods. This investigation is based on an eight-month ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Santiago.This work was supported by the University of Cambridge Sociology Graduate Education Committee (GEC) Fieldwork Funding; Newnham College, University of Cambridge Fieldwork Grant; and under the Programme Becas de Doctorado con Acuerdo Bilateral en el Extranjero Becas Chile-Cambridge (Grant Fondecyt: N° 84140015)

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